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Heather Dukes-Murray
Sep 16, 20225 min read
One Goal at a Time - Updated title: The first month of the pandemic with my children at home
by Heather Dukes-Murray, Ph.D. * Originally posted on 4/6/20 on Meghan Barlow & Associates. As I was moving my website over, I looked...

Heather Dukes-Murray
Apr 30, 20201 min read
Bite-Size Parent Coaching Session 1: Functional Behavior Assessment & ABC's of Behavior for Parents
In these Bite-Size Parent Coaching segments, I take larger parent coaching concepts and boil them down into bite-size overviews so...

Heather Dukes-Murray
Jul 2, 20184 min read
Processing a Diagnosis: Tips for the Feedback Session and the Weeks that Follow
As a psychologist who mainly focuses on evaluations, I quickly become familiar with families. I have many frank discussions with parents...

Heather Dukes-Murray
Oct 25, 20173 min read
Navigating Parent-Teacher Conferences
I can't believe we are at the end of the first quarter - but the homework battles and mounds of papers on my kitchen counter are begging...

Heather Dukes-Murray
May 29, 20175 min read
Limiting Screen Time
Electronics. I have a love-hate relationship with them. I love how easy they make everything, but hate how they seem to suck the brain...

Heather Dukes-Murray
May 9, 20175 min read
Preventing the "Summer Slide"
Summer is almost here and I bet your children are already talking about the break from school. Honestly, as a parent, I am ready for the...
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