Payment Options
Heather currently conducts assessments at Meghan Barlow & Associates in Rocky River, OH. Dr. Dukes-Murray is not affiliated with any insurance providers. Assessments are billed at a package rate and are competitive with other providers in Northeast Ohio. Since Dr. Dukes-Murray does not charge facility fees or other large overhead fees, her assessment rates are sometimes lower than other providers’ rates. This is particularly applicable if you have not yet reached your deductible and would be paying out of pocket for the assessment even if the provider accepted insurance.
Payment is due at the time of service (or broken into two payments, as discussed with Dr. Dukes-Murray). Credit cards, Health Savings Account (HSA) cards, and checks are accepted.
Dr. Dukes-Murray can provide detailed receipts to submit to insurance for possible reimbursement .
Hear from Heather
In Dr. Dukes-Murray's blog and podcast, Straightforward Psychology, she breaks down all things related to child psychology, autism, ADHD, parenting techniques, interventions and more, so you can easily access and apply the information. She also keeps a collection of free printables that she creates to switch out in her office decor, inspired by psychological concepts, interventions, or just an awesome quote she has read that seem applicable to a client’s situation. Check it out!

Helpful Websites
Children and Adults with ADHD (CHADD)